What is Happening Here

I’ve wanted to start writing more and with an abundance of time on my hands it feels like the best moment to dive in and start this process of communicating via the written word. Ironically, I wanted to get into broadcasting because I like to talk more than I like to write, but one of the many life lessons I’ve come to learn is that going through life avoiding the things you don’t like doing isn’t exactly the path to a fulfilling and challenging time on this earth. Plus, Twitter can only contain so much from the inner workings of our minds.

This will be a place for the ramblings and interests that percolate in my mind. Think of it as falling somewhere on the spectrum between your grandmother on Facebook and Creed’s blog. I was going to go with the title “Mike’s Musings” but a quick search found that there are a lot of Mikes, and a lot of us had the same idea. So a mumbling was tacked on as well, which seems to fit the stream of consciousness, generally unimportant work I’m going for on this platform…it also had a nice alliterative fit. Welcome, and enjoy!

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